Learning Tech News – September 2023
Canvas, UDL & Training
Accessible Content Checklist
Creating accessible documents and course resources is a necessary step toward a classroom environment that supports the learning of all students. Use this checklist to review several basic steps for creating more accessible documents.
Canvas Tip
To make your Canvas course(s) more navigable for students, make sure that you disable Canvas course links that are not being used within your course(s).
To do so, head to your course(s) “Settings” and select “Navigation.” From there, you can disable various course features that will not be used within your course(s).
Keep in mind that any and all links can be enabled and disabled at any time.
The SIMnet LTI tool is now available within Canvas. This tool is available for use in all Canvas courses. SIMnet is offered and supported by McGraw Hill and teaches and assesses skills in Microsoft Office Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.
Universal Design for Learning
Introduction to UDL
Want to learn more about UDL but short on time? Take a moment to learn more about UDL and what it is all about with the Learning Technologies Team’s Justin Littlefield.
Should you want to learn more, register for an upcoming training or schedule a one-on-one consultation.
Cornerstone Training
The Learning Technologies Team is offering several training sessions that you can register for through Cornerstone.
Some of these topics include:
- Canvas
- Panopto
- H5P
- Teaching through video
Sign up for these today on Cornerstone.
New H5P Training
“Getting Started with H5P” is a new asynchronous training that you can register for within Cornerstone to begin learning how you can incorporate H5P within your Canvas courses.
Technical Training Consultations
Book 30-minute technical training on the following technologies:
Canvas, Teams, Panopto, Studio OneDrive, and Webex