
Overall Training Numbers

Graphic representing the total sessions delivered overall of 128 total sessions
Graphic representing the total number of attendees across all training sessions. Total = 537
Intro to VidaNova 115 total attendees, Intro to Canvas 105 total attendees, Intro Panopto 86 total attendees, Teaching with Video 35 total attendees, Course Management 33 total attendees, Other 18 total attendees, Intro Webex 15 total attendees, Advance Course Design, Assessment and Rubrics 9 total attendees

The charts above are data for Spring 2024. The data outlines the total number training sessions offered (Group Sessions One on One sessions) , total attendance at those sessions, and the top 10 topics based on attendance. Data is accurate as of 3/12/23.

Group Trainings Offered by LTIS

Graphic depicting the total number of sessions = 49
Graphic depicting a total attendance = 439
Intro to VidaNova 112 total attendees, Intro to Canvas 102 total attendees, Intro to Panopto 79 total attendees, Teaching with video 35 total attendees, Other programs 13 total attendees, Advanced course design 12 total attendees, Intro to WebEx 12 total attendees, Course Management 8 total attendees, Gradebook Advanced 8 total attendees, OneDrive 8 total attendees.

The charts above are data for Spring 2024. The data outlines the total number of group sessions offered, total attendance at those sessions, and the top 10 topics based on attendance. Data is accurate as of 3/12/23.
Individual Bookings Offered by LTIS


Individual Booking Sessions

Chart depicting the top 10 topics by attendance for individual instruction. Course management = 23, Assessment and Rubrics = 8, QM = 8, Intro to Panopto = 7, Advanced Panopto = 6, Teams = 5,  General Responus = 4, Tech Consult = 4

The charts above are data for Spring 2024. The data outlines the total number of individual Bookings sessions offered, total attendance at those sessions, and the top 10 topics based on attendance. Data is accurate as of 3/12/23.